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Hi Debs,

I finally got around to playing your final build. Obviously I saw a fair bit of it during production but it's good to see how it's all come together. Firstly, well done! I know it's been a long journey going through all of this so kudos to you for sticking to it all. 

Secondly, it's a clear upgrade on your previous work with a lot of lessons learned & it clearly reflects in the final version you have here. I like the player model a lot. Its quite detailed & you have brought her to life using your understanding of animation blueprints. It's been a joy watching you craft this world from start to finish & I look forward to what you come up with next. 


Hey Aaron, :) Thank you so much. I'm so glad you got to play it. I literally loved making this all the way from the beginning to the end. :) It took ages to get onto itch, because it went slightly over 1 GB. I started to wonder if anyone could play it, as the link may not have worked. Thank you so much for your help and guidance...I'm on my last big project now. Fingers crossed I shall post the update as soon as I have a blockout of the prototype. :) Can't wait to share...;)